100% FRP Corrosion Resistant Fans/Blowers

  • Scrubs the corrosive gases used in chemical and pharmaceutical plants.
  • Ventilates draft chambers that treat various chemical gases in laboratories.
  • Ventilates biological and IC laboratories.
  • Ventilates and deodorizes sewage treatment facility.
  • Ventilates waste gas treatments facilities.
  • For transferring high concentration wet chlorine gas mainly adopted for use in electrolytic soda plant etc.
  • Ventilates coastal areas to prevent salt damage.

Головной офис

Манек Махал, 5-й и 7-й этажи,
90, Вир Нариман Роуд, Черчгейт,
Мумбаи – 400 020, ИНДИЯ.
+91(0)22 22830060/68

+91 (0) 22 – 35219523/9539/9359/9796



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