Applications of 100 % FRP Fans/Blowers

Engineered to touch your life everyday!
  1. Scrubs the corrosive gases used in chemical and pharmaceutical plants.
  2. Ventilates draft chambers that treat various chemical gases in laboratories.
  3. Ventilates biological and IC laboratories.
  4. Ventilates and deodorizes sewage treatment facility.
  5. Ventilates waste gas treatments facilities.
  6. For transferring high concentration wet chlorine gas mainly adopted for use in electrolytic soda plant etc.
  7. Ventilates coastal areas to prevent salt damage.

Головной офис

Манек Махал, 5-й и 7-й этажи,
90, Вир Нариман Роуд, Черчгейт,
Мумбаи – 400 020, ИНДИЯ.
+91(0)22 22830060/68

+91 (0) 22 – 35219523/9539/9359/9796

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